It's Time For Introductions

announcements Feb 16, 2020

Welcome to our Ecom Queens Blog! I'm so glad you stopped by. 

Our mission here at Ecom Queens is to be a place for today's online entrepreneur who is looking for support, community, and guidance when successfully building up their eCommerce business.

Aside from our 50,000 member community, this blog will be the place where we share business tips, updates, and tried-and-tested strategies to take your store to the next level!
But first, let me share a bit about myself.

How It All Began 

I started my own online business as a young, inexperienced entrepreneur. Just out of college, I had no clue how to run a business or utilize the power of online marketing. Everywhere I turned, there were experts offering advice and coaching, at prices completely unaffordable to me. I had to rely on my own trial and error, but eventually I figured out a method to success.​

As I was doing research, I found many communities for online marketing, but none that catered specifically to the creative entrepreneur who puts their heart and soul into their business. Right then, I promised myself that I would one day create a community for those like me.

Ecom Queens is a place for today's online entrepreneur who is looking for support, community, and guidance when successfully building up their eCommerce business.
Today, my own online initiatives are flourishing, and I have had the privilege of working with multiple eCommerce companies, ranging from solo startups to multi-million dollar enterprises. Together, we work on creating marketing plans, content strategies, and expanding their customer base through strategic promotion and collaboration.


Ecom Queens

Our passion here at Ecom Queens is helping other business owners actualize their goals and achieve financial and personal success. Whether you currently sell on platforms such as Etsy, Shopify, or Amazon, or are thinking about selling online, you’re in the right place! Join our community of over 50K online entrepreneurs and discover the tools, strategies, and keys to skyrocket your business.
What Do We Offer?

As a business and marketing strategist, I am constantly listening to all the shop owners in our community, hearing what they're struggling with, and seeing how Ecom Queens can help. Our Ecom Membership experience is a fast favorite with many business owners. You can learn all about our courses, and how to work 1:1 with me, over here.

See you around!

50% Complete

Two Step

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